Activate a new global blueprint

from the inside out, through you

with Fleur van der Minne


If you find yourself on this page, chances are you've been referred by someone I know or that I’ve had the pleasure of working with. Please consider this page as an introduction to Blueprint Activation; a pioneering form of business consultancy. After this overview, I'm more than happy to delve into the practical details with you, making it easy for you to decide if this is the right fit for you and your business or project.

Looking forward to connect,



We live in transformative times.

There is a growing awareness that the outer world is a reflection

of our inner world. Our belief in the illusion of separation has created a global blueprint that has fostered competition, consumption, environmental depletion and individual gain over collective wellbeing.

But when you become aware of who you truly are, and act in alignment with your unique blueprint, your actions and business endeavours come from a place of wholeness and fulfillment. This makes you and your business conscious participants in the interconnectedness of the whole and the flowering of consciousness into this world.

This unfolding naturally activates a new,

regenerative, global blueprint,

through you.

Welcome to Blueprint Activation!


Blueprint Activation is a pioneering form of business consulting that is rooted in the principles of non-duality and energetic intelligence, recognizing the inseparability of your being and your business.

The tailored 1:1 consultancy is designed for professionals who grasp that the path to a regenerative future begins within. You will stay rooted in your true being, while creating a business blueprint aligned with it. This naturally contributes to activating a new global blueprint, through you.

“Fleur's work feels revolutionary and, in my experience, seems to be setting the pace for a new standard in conscious business. Her approach is not just directed at inner work and healing, but at activating a flourishing business. Her work is a testament to her wisdom and innate ability to foster transformative change in her clients' lives.”

Dennis Maennersdoerfer, Dubai

Brand strategist & entrepreneur

“Blueprint Activation extraordinaire! Fleur’s unique ability to see soul blueprints and free energetic blocks has paved the way for alignment to my soul purpose. If you are looking to gain a greater understanding of what is happening on an energetic level in your personal life and that of your business, I highly recommend Fleur.”

Kerren McNamara, Australia

Founder & Managing director KIN Property & Finance

“Fleur has the gift to see and point out different layers of reality, how they relate but even more importantly where they conflict and create stagnation in the flow of life. I truly believe it is an opportunity not to be missed to work with a sincere, pure and crystal-clear visionary woman that adds undeniable value to your personal life and entrepreneurial endeavours.”

Juno Burger, Netherlands

Founder & CEO Realease, Author The Invitation






“Blueprint Activation supports you and your business to flourish, to stay rooted in the deeper essence of who you truly are, and make a conscious contribution to the betterment of the world.”



Become aware of your inner world and the energetics of this apparent reality, and how working from the I AM dimension activates the creative intelligence of the universe to work through you, as you.



We align you with your original blueprint, transforming sabotaging belief systems and dis-ease into ease and inner fulfilment. This creates alignment between you and your business, and is at the root of true fulfilment and success.



From alignment, conscious actions naturally emerge, activating a flourishing life and business that reflect your innate wholeness, automatically rippling into the world. Creating a new global blueprint through you.

“Fleur is spot on in her observations. It has truly brought magic into myself and the business. What makes it unique is that Fleur not only has a strong ability to 'see' and do energetic work, but she also excels in translating it into business jargon. Her services add tremendous value to business owners and executives who want to become the best version of themselves and make the best out of their business on all relevant levels in an ever changing business landscape.”

Manon Schonewille, The Netherlands

Author & CEO Mundo Mediatores

& The Academy of Legal Mediation

“Collaborating with Fleur over the past six months has been a transformative journey for both my personal development and my business's growth. As my energetic wingwoman, Fleur offers invaluable insights from a unique perspective, enabling me to make more informed decisions that align with my core values. Her ability to intuitively understand and guide the intricacies of my business has been nothing short of revelatory. I am convinced that integrating this kind of wisdom and insight into business practices should become the standard, fostering an environment where businesses thrive through personal and spiritual growth.”

Wessel Paternotte, Norway

Founder Moonstone, Founder at Delight Group, Co-founder Wisdom in Business


Are you interested to know more about how Blueprint Activation can benefit ​you and your business? Please arrange an online introduction call through ​the button below.

We will discuss:

Practical benefits of Blueprint Activation:

How BPA can directly benefit you, your business, and beyond;

Concrete examples of the positive impact & results.

Expectations for personal and business development:

Clear overview of what to expect on a personal level;

Detailed explanation of what to expect on a business level.

Process details:

Duration: Clear timelines outlining the duration of the consultancy process.

Content: Description of the topics and areas covered during the consultancy.

Outcome: Explanation of the expected outcomes, including tangible results.

Fee Structure: Transparent breakdown of the consultancy fee.

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